What is a QDRO?
Retirement plans are uniquely drafted by each company. No two QDRO’s are the same nor are the corporate rules in dividing a QDRO the same from one company to another. In many divorces the retirement plan will need to be divided or a percentage designated to the other spouse. Our experienced family law attorneys can assist you in the production of, drafting of, and implementation of, a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) ensuring the proper division of your retirement benefits.
QDROs apply only to employee benefit or pension plans subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), the American federal law governing private sector pensions. Comparable types of orders divide military retirement pay and Federal civil service retirement plans, and for State, county and municipal retirement plans in most States. A QDRO may provide for marital or community property division between the plan participant and the alternate payee, or for the payment of alimony or child support to the alternate payee.
How do I get started on my QDRO?
Schedule a free legal consultation with our QDRO attorneys anytime by calling 713-774-8600. We will provide you with a valuable legal consultation for your unique situation and help guide you to your goals, all for free, even if you decide not to hire us. If you do decide to hire us after the consultation, we’ll handle everything for you. Our family law attorneys have drafted more QDROs than they can count. Our office is conveniently located in the Greenway / Upper Kirby district.