More often than not, insurance companies choose to withhold payments on auto accident claims as a matter of strategy. Their reasoning is simple: most people will be deterred from pressing the company further, after an initial denial. While there are those who may attempt to pursue action privately, through the insurance company’s provided channels, success will always be mitigated by the barriers that they purposefully put into place. Adjusters are skilled in the process of creating the “run around”, forcing their customers to dive down the rabbit hole to prove coverage. The fact is, due to the nature of the industry, the best way a customer can get the money they are entitled to is to confront the insurance company head-on by hiring a personal injury attorney.
The aggressive personal injury attorneys at Tilton & Tilton have the experience required to deal with insurance companies who refuse to pay on Houston car accident claims. Our staff regularly deals with insurance adjusters, and we are familiar with their tools and process. When your insurance company refuses to provide coverage on your claim, call the law offices of Tilton & Tilton to get immediate action from your provider. The insurance companies can only win if you let them.
Houston personal injury attorneys Tilton & Tilton have recently picked up a case in which our Plaintiff was injured by the negligence and dangerous driving of an intoxicated defendant in neighboring city of Houston; Webster, TX.
Plaintiff was stopped at a red light in Webster, Texas. Suddenly and without warning, he was violently rear-ended by Defendant. The force of the impact caused Plaintiff’s car to careen to the other side of the street. Upon information and belief, Defendant was intoxicated at the time of the collision. EMS was called at the scene and Plaintiff was transported to the emergency room. As a result of Defendant’s negligence and gorss negligence, Plaintiff suffered and continues to suffer injuries to his neck, back, and other parts of his body.
Tilton & Tilton houston car accident lawyers take no cost up-front, our clients only pay if we win. There’s nothing to lose in fighting for the justice you deserve.
After an accident, the insurance company will do whatever they can to get rid of you, including handing you offers that hardly account for the extent of physical damage to your property, potentially your body as well, and the emotional havoc caused by their customer. Don’t become a victim twice, contact Tilton & Tilton for an absolutely free consultation and discussion your situation, and learn how we can help you.
Call us at 713.774.8600 to get answers to questions you might not even have known you’d had.
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